OutSystems Integration Studio Overview
Integration Studio offers a set of accelerators to support our native C # code, as well as integrations with external databases (not so much used nowadays, since we can use Integration Builder — https://success.outsystems.com/documentation/11/extensibility_and_integration/create_connectors_with_integration_builder/use_integration_builder) , making these routines simple and easily scalable.
After creating our code and our integrations, Integration Studio, together with the platform server, creates its representations in the OutSystems universe, thereby being available for use in the same visual paradigm with which we develop our OutSystems applications.
The following screenshot shows the look and feel of Integration Studio:
To start Integration Studio, follow these steps:
1. In the Windows Search field, type Integration Studio:
2. Then, open the application by clicking on the OutSystems Integration
Studio 11 icon.
3. After opening the application, enter your user credentials and the URL of your Personal Environment (or your enterprise enviroment URL, for thecase we try with our Personal Environement), and then click the Connect button:
After successfully connecting, we will find an empty main screen where we can start creating our extensions, custom code, and connections to external databases:
In a way, it’s a simpler tool than Service Studio since it offers much less functionality.
Integration Studio works in parallel with Microsoft Visual Studio to help us develop our code.
The following screenshot shows the OutSystems Integration Studio popup where we configure the Visual Studio connection. To Open it, you click in Edit, and than Options:
All sections of the main screen are designed to be visually intuitive and easy to find according to context. In addition, it maintains a pattern similar to Service Studio, so developers won’t have difficulty adapting.
Therefore, Integration Studio’s main screen is divided into the following sections:
1.Toolbar: In this area, you can create new extensions, verify and publish an extension, connect to the Platform Server, and download your extensions.
2.Multi-tree Navigator: In this area, you can add and select your Actions, Structures, and Entities (in the Extension tree), and add and select your Resources (in the Resources tree).
3.Multi-tab editors: This area contains all the elements (extension, Actions, Structures, Entities, and Resources) that you have selected in the Multi-tree Navigator.
4.Specific Editor: In this area, you can edit the extension and its elements: Actions, Structures, Entities, or Resources.
5.Server Info: In this area, you can find information about which Platform Server you are connected to and which user established this connection.
In order to facilitate the use of Outsystems IDEs and maintain uniformity between the tools, after completing our development, Integration Studio also provides the 1-Click Publish. When 1-Click Publish is clicked, it triggers the verification, the entire compilation process and publication of the code we have developed.
From here, we can start creating our code, such as C# native code abstractions or database integrations. In the end, everything we create here is available for consumption in Service Studio as dependencies.